
Mexican Flag

Understanding the Difference Between Permanent Residency and Citizenship in Mexico

A frequent question I get asked by prospective immigrants to Mexico is, ‘What is the difference between permanent residency and citizenship?’ It is an important question, and one that should be clarified as confusion between the terms exists. The answer, however, is simple.  Difference between Permanent Residency and Citizenship Mexican… Read More

Getting Temporary and Permanent Residency in Mexico – Mighty Buffalo Podcast with Adriana Vela

In this Mighty Buffalo podcast, Adriana Vela talks about Getting Temporary and Permanent Residency in Mexico.  Mighty Buffalo is a brand that promotes travel for cultural awareness, with a focus on Mexico. Host Travis Scott Luther interviews Adriana on questions that he commonly encounters from his followers. Topics covered in… Read More


Can Expats from the US and Canada Get a Permanent Resident Visa in Mexico Straightaway?

The permanent resident visa can be issued to a foreigner who intends to reside indefinitely (forever) in Mexico.   Foreigners granted permanent resident visas have the right to enter and leave Mexico as often as desired. This residency status never expires. They can also bring their personal property into Mexico… Read More

Adriana Vela on Expats Like Us Podcast

Navigating Mexican Residency and Immigration in 2024 – Podcast Interview

In this article we share a recent interview with Adriana Vela on navigating Mexican residency and immigration in 2024. The interview is part of a podcast series from Expats Like Us: Life in Mexico ‒  a popular YouTube channel. An Argentinian national, Adriana has been a resident in Mexico herself… Read More

Google map indicating Mexico CIty Immigration office

What You Need to Know About the Mexico City Immigration Office

What do you need to know about the Mexico City immigration office? Mexico City ( also CDMX, or Ciudad de Mexico in Spanish) is a popular destination for immigrants, espcially digital nomads and remote workers. It has world-class facilities, yet a lower cost of living than other comparable North American… Read More

How to Apply for Permanent Residency through a Child Born in Mexico (Family Unity)

If a child is born in Mexico to a non-Mexican parent, it entitles the parent to permanent residency. This residency is granted upon application. In this article we explain how to apply for permanent residency through your Mexican-born child. The Family Union Visa The family union visa is issued to… Read More

Is Same-Sex Marriage Legal in Mexico and Recognized for Immigration?

Is same-sex marriage legal in Mexico, and recognized for immigration in all states?  Many of our clients from the gay community ask us when applying for residency in Mexico: Is same-sex marriage legal in Mexico? Is it recognized for the purposes of residency?  The answer is YES! Mexico City was… Read More

How to Notify Immigration of a Change of Employer

Many people are unaware of the obligation to notify immigration of a change of employer as a resident. Notifications of changes to various personal statuses are obligatory. These include change of address, and change of civil status. In the case of change of employer, notification must take place within 90… Read More


What to Do with Your Resident Card When You Leave or Enter Mexico

“When I leave or enter Mexico, should I show my resident card at the airport?” Many clients ask me this, and my answer is always “YES”! You should always bring your passport and resident card when you travel in or out of Mexico.  When You Leave Mexico When you depart,… Read More

How to Get Mexican Residency with an Expired Tourist Visa (FMM)

In some cases, it is now possible to apply for temporary residency in Mexico via an expired tourist visa. Regularization of an expired document, in order to obtain temporary residency, is a new immigration procedure currently underway. Initially it was in response to many stranded tourists in Mexico due to… Read More

Mexican banknotes

How Much Are Mexican Immigration Fees for 2024?

The National Migration Institute (IMN) has updated Mexican immigration fees for 2024. Below we have translated 2024’s fees of the most frequent procedures for your convenience. Remember that some immigration procedures incur two or three fees, and others, just one. That is, the paperwork can have a cost, as can… Read More


Using an Immigration Lawyer or Facilitator in Mexico: What You Need to Know

Moving to Mexico or any new country can be a daunting experience. There are lots of factors to consider – for instance, location, housing, healthcare, finances and the language. Then there’s the official side of immigration – paperwork. The procedure in Mexico is not difficult compared to some countries, but… Read More

Frequently Asked Questions About Relocating to Mexico: Part 2

While relocating to Mexico for many is an exciting move, it can also be scary and complicated. Informing yourself as much as possible before immigrating is a great way to prepare well. Therefore, to help make your move a success we have answered more of your Frequently Asked Questions about… Read More

What Are Your Obligations as a Resident in Mexico?

So you finally got your temporary or permanent residency. Congratulations! Remember, however, now you have certain obligations as a resident in Mexico. You must also keep your immigration records up to date. Failure to do so could result in problems and fines. So keep yourself right with these reminders.  What… Read More

Mexican resident cards

What Happens If My Mexican Resident Card Is Lost, Stolen or Damaged?

Oh dear! What do you do when your Mexican resident card is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed? Well, your resident card is an official identification document, similar to a passport. So if you lose, damage or have it stolen, take it seriously. Get a new one as soon as possible. … Read More

New Mexican Immigration Statistics Released

A recent article in La Jornada by Gabriela Rodriguez, Secretary General of Conapo (National Population Council) summarizes the latest Mexican immigration trends. The article’s main source is the 2022 Mexico Yearbook of Migration and Remittances.  We’ve chosen some of the most pertinent Mexican immigration statistics from the article and its… Read More

Mexican produce

What Is the Cost of Living in Mexico?

Many people move to Mexico to enjoy a better quality of life and lower cost of living while stretching their pension, salary or savings further. But what is the actual cost of living in Mexico, especially now that inflation is rising globally. How much do you need when you move… Read More

Mexican banknotes

How Much Are Mexican Immigration Fees in 2023?

The National Migration Institute (IMN) has updated Mexican immigration fees for 2023. Below we have translated 2023’s fees for your convenience. Remember that some immigration procedures incur two fees, and others, just one. That is, the paperwork can have a cost, as can the issue of a document. Therefore, check… Read More

Immigration to Mexico for Germans Interview Series: Episodes 1-4 (German & Spanish)

Immigration to Mexico for Germans: in this YouTube interview series (in German and Spanish), Adriana chats with Claus from Ausser Haus mit Claus (@AusserHausmitClaus). Adriana answers Claus’s questions on immigration to Mexico for Germans. Most Europeans interested in relocating to Mexico will find it useful. Watch it here. Themes covered… Read More

Immigration to Mexico for Italians: interview with Spirito Libero in Espatrio

In this YouTube interview (in Italian and Spanish) from October 2022, Adriana chats with YouTuber Michela from Spirito Libero in Espatrio.  Immigration to Mexico for Italians Adriana and Michela discuss immigration to Mexico for Italians who may be interested in making the move. Watch it here.   Some of the highlights… Read More

Airplane in flight with sunset in the background

How to Claim INAPAM Discounts on Airline Tickets

Did you know you can receive INAPAM discounts on airline tickets and other transport? The INAPAM Card Now, if you’ve read our article on the INAPAM Discount Card for Senior Citizen Residents in Mexico, perhaps you’re aware already. In fact, you can receive discounts on a variety of costs: food, consultation… Read More

Mexico City Street Scene

Can I Start the Residency Procedure in Mexico?

One of the most common questions we get at Immigration to Mexico is ‘Can I start my residency procedure from Mexico?’ There are a few cases where you can start the residency application procedure from Mexico. However, usually you must start it outside the country. Starting the Residency Procedure From… Read More

The Playa del Carmen Immigration Office – What You Need to Know

Playa del Carmen Immigration Office or INM Office (Instituto Nacional de Migracion): this is where you will process your residency application, if you are moving there. In this article we tell you all you need to know about the office.    Playa del Carmen Immigration Office Procedures You can process… Read More

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Immigration to Mexico interview with Michelle Wedderburn from Expat Life Mexico

In this You Tube interview from November 2021, Adriana shares her immigration expertise with Michelle Wedderburn from Expat Life Mexico: From San Miguel de Allende (formerly Afro Expats). During the 1hr16min interview, Michelle and Adriana discuss recent changes to Mexican immigration procedures. Changes include the standard 180-day stay, especially relevant… Read More


How to Obtain a Mexican Work Visa via a Job Offer or New Business

These days, not only retirees want to live in Mexico, but younger generations also want to relocate here. Younger generations come without a pension however, and usually seek employment in Mexico. Therefore they will need a Mexican work visa (permit). In order to legally work, you can obtain a Mexican… Read More

How to Get Permanent Residency in Mexico

How to Get Permanent Residency in Mexico Permanent residency allows you to live indefinitely in Mexico, and it has many benefits.  There are various ways to get permanent residency in Mexico; let’s review them.  Take the direct route to permanent residency 1) For some applicants, it is possible to get… Read More

Enjoy the INAPAM discount card

The INAPAM Discount Card for Senior Citizen Residents in Mexico

One of the perks of residency in Mexico is local or resident pricing and discounts. This is particularly attractive if you live in areas such as the Riviera Maya where costs are higher due to tourism. However, permanent residents over 60 can enjoy even more and greater benefits with an… Read More

Globe with plans circling it

What to Consider When Moving from Europe to Mexico

Are you considering moving from Europe to Mexico? You’re not the only one.  Since the pandemic began, Immigration to Mexico in Playa del Carmen has seen a huge increase in requests from all over the world. Previously, immigrants requesting temporary and permanent residency were 90% from the US and Canada.… Read More

time for a change

How to Change from Temporary to Permanent Resident as a Spouse or Partner in Mexico

A question we often receive is, ‘How do I change from temporary to permanent resident as a spouse/partner?’. It is possible to get permanent residency immediately in a few cases. For example, as retirees with adequate financial solvency, or as a parent to a child born in Mexico. However, the… Read More

How to Get Temporary or Permanent Residency for Spouses and Partners

Residency in Mexico is possible via many routes. In this article, however, we look at temporary and permanent residency for spouses and partners. Its name is residency for family unity (Residencia Por Vinculo Familiar) Residency for spouses and partners You can apply for this if your spouse or partner is… Read More

About the Mexican Consulate Appointment for Permanent and Temporary Residency

If you apply for Mexican residency, you must attend an appointment at a Mexican consulate. In this article, learn how to prepare for it, and what happens during and after your consulate appointment. Making a Mexican Consulate Appointment We advise that you make an appointment at the Mexican consulate that… Read More

Riviera Maya

Retiring on the Riviera Maya: Live in More Comfort for Less

Retirement in the US and Canada does not look the same for everyone. Comfortable retirement depends on your location, health and retirement salary. One thing is for sure though: retiring on the Riviera Maya looks good. It can transform a difficult situation in the US and Canada into a pleasant… Read More

Beach scene Playa del Carmen

Location Location: Should You Move to Playa del Carmen?

Once a fishing village with dirt roads and a few palapa beach bars, Playa del Carmen is now a major worldwide destination for tourism and immigration. Many immigrants from the USA or Canada choose Playa del Carmen as their new home. What makes this Riviera Maya destination so attractive –… Read More

Plane landing on runway

Mexican 180-Day Allowance for Tourists No Longer the Norm

There have been many reports recently of changes to the standard Mexican 180-day allowance for tourists. Let’s take a closer look. Entering Mexico as a Tourist When entering Mexico as a tourist, you submit an FMM (Forma Migratoria Multiple) with details about your visit. An immigration official at your point… Read More

have an EMERGENCY and must leave Mexico

What to Do If You Have an Emergency and Must Leave Mexico Before Your Residency Is Confirmed?

What to Do if You Have an Emergency and Must Leave Mexico Before Your Residency Is Confirmed? You have an emergency and must leave Mexico. However, your canje, residency renewal or change of condition procedure is still in progress. In this article we explain what to do If you want… Read More

Parent and child

How to Get Mexican Residency Through a Child or Parent

There are two ways of getting residency in Mexico via family unity. One is through the child/parent connection. The other is the spouse/partner connection. In this article we look at family unity residency through a child or parent. To learn more about residency through a spouse/partner, read our article: How… Read More