A question we often receive is, ‘How do I change from temporary to permanent resident as a spouse/partner?’. It is possible to get permanent residency immediately in a few cases. For example, as retirees with adequate financial solvency, or as a parent to a child born in Mexico. However, the standard is to get temporary first and then apply for permanent status.
Usually you should have temporary resident status for four years before being applicable for permanent residency. There are a few exceptions though. For example, if you are the financially dependent partner of a Mexican citizen or resident, or a Spanish or Latin American applicant. In these cases the requirement is only two years of temporary residency before applying for permanent status. If you are a financially independent spouse or partner, then you may have to wait four years to change. In all cases the process is the same.
Process to change from temporary to permanent resident status
Meet temporary residency time requirement – 2/4 years according to condition.
Make an online appointment at your local INM office in Mexico using the online portal: https://citas.inm.gob.mx/foreign/login. Be sure to leave enough time to gather your documents. Try to book an appointment for the month before expiry of your temporary residency.
Immigration appointment
Complete the standard form to request a change in immigration status online at https://www.inm.gob.mx/tramites/publico/estancia.html and print.
Passport or ID that secured your current status. Copy and original. If you’re in Mexico as a visitor, bring the original Forma Migratoria Multiple (FMM).
Current, valid temporary resident card. Original and copy.
Proof of payment of fees: in 2022 the cost is $1,5014 MXN to process the application, and $5,706 MXN for the card. The form for the bank can be found at this link: https://www.inm.gob.mx/gobmx/derechos. Original and copy. BBVA and Citibanamex can both process this charge.
ID of the Mexican resident or citizen spouse/partner. This can be a passport, INE, or other relevant document. If the spouse/partner is a resident, their resident card should also be presented. Original and copy.
Marriage certificate or similar confirming the legal partnership, approved by the competent national authority. Documents must be officially translated into Spanish and apostilled. Original and copy.
Sworn declaration signed by both the applicant and the spouse/partner indicating their conjugal address. The declaration should also confirm the continued validity of the conjugal partnership for the previous two years. A template for the declaration can be found here: http://www.inm.gob.mx/static/vun_tramites/Escrito_cambio_a_residente_permanente_por_vinculo_familiar.pdf
Next steps
Attend the appointment with the above documentation. Only the applicant needs to attend. If in order, the approval and delivery of the permanent residency card should take place on the same day. In Playa del Carmen, due to card printing issues, the card may be issued some days later.
If you would like assistance changing from temporary to permanent resident status, contact Adriana Vela at info@immigrationtomexico.mx