What a CURP looks like

What Is a CURP Number?

If you live in Mexico and perform any administrative tasks, you will no doubt be asked for a CURP number. A CURP number is a unique code which identifies all Mexican citizens and residents. CURP stands for Clave Única de Registro de Población in Spanish, or Unique Population Registration Code in English. Every number is unique to the person it identifies. It is generated from information about each holder, such as name and date of birth. Once you get a CURP, you will use it for your whole life. They do not change.


The CURP number is necessary for many official procedures in Mexico. For example, to

  • Open accounts at any bank. 

  • Buy and register a car. 

  • Pay taxes.

  • Get a Mexican driver’s license (without giving up your foreign one).

  • Join the national healthcare program with IMSS (Mexican Institute for Social Security).

  • Get a homeowner’s exemption from paying capital gains tax on a future sale of a Mexican property. 

How Do I Get a CURP?

Once you acquire temporary or permanent residency in Mexico, your CURP will be generated. You will not receive one unless you are a resident or citizen. It is printed on all new resident cards.

If you have an older resident card and need to consult your CURP elsewhere, you can do so via this website: https://www.gob.mx/curp/. Print it off and keep a copy or two for future reference. The service is free and can be repeated as often as necessary.


For further information about residency or for help acquiring it, contact Adriana at info@immigrationtomexico.mx