Getting Temporary and Permanent Residency in Mexico – Mighty Buffalo Podcast with Adriana Vela

In this Mighty Buffalo podcast, Adriana Vela talks about Getting Temporary and Permanent Residency in Mexico.  Mighty Buffalo is a brand that promotes travel for cultural awareness, with a focus on Mexico. Host Travis Scott Luther interviews Adriana on questions that he commonly encounters from his followers. Topics covered in… Read More

Adriana Vela on Expats Like Us Podcast

Navigating Mexican Residency and Immigration in 2024 – Podcast Interview

In this article we share a recent interview with Adriana Vela on navigating Mexican residency and immigration in 2024. The interview is part of a podcast series from Expats Like Us: Life in Mexico ‒  a popular YouTube channel. An Argentinian national, Adriana has been a resident in Mexico herself… Read More

Is Same-Sex Marriage Legal in Mexico and Recognized for Immigration?

Is same-sex marriage legal in Mexico, and recognized for immigration in all states?  Many of our clients from the gay community ask us when applying for residency in Mexico: Is same-sex marriage legal in Mexico? Is it recognized for the purposes of residency?  The answer is YES! Mexico City was… Read More

Mexican banknotes

How Much Are Mexican Immigration Fees for 2024?

The National Migration Institute (IMN) has updated Mexican immigration fees for 2024. Below we have translated 2024’s fees of the most frequent procedures for your convenience. Remember that some immigration procedures incur two or three fees, and others, just one. That is, the paperwork can have a cost, as can… Read More

Frequently Asked Questions About Relocating to Mexico: Part 2

While relocating to Mexico for many is an exciting move, it can also be scary and complicated. Informing yourself as much as possible before immigrating is a great way to prepare well. Therefore, to help make your move a success we have answered more of your Frequently Asked Questions about… Read More

What Are Your Obligations as a Resident in Mexico?

So you finally got your temporary or permanent residency. Congratulations! Remember, however, now you have certain obligations as a resident in Mexico. You must also keep your immigration records up to date. Failure to do so could result in problems and fines. So keep yourself right with these reminders.  What… Read More

Mexican produce

What Is the Cost of Living in Mexico?

Many people move to Mexico to enjoy a better quality of life and lower cost of living while stretching their pension, salary or savings further. But what is the actual cost of living in Mexico, especially now that inflation is rising globally. How much do you need when you move… Read More

Mexican banknotes

How Much Are Mexican Immigration Fees in 2023?

The National Migration Institute (IMN) has updated Mexican immigration fees for 2023. Below we have translated 2023’s fees for your convenience. Remember that some immigration procedures incur two fees, and others, just one. That is, the paperwork can have a cost, as can the issue of a document. Therefore, check… Read More

Immigration to Mexico for Germans Interview Series: Episodes 1-4 (German & Spanish)

Immigration to Mexico for Germans: in this YouTube interview series (in German and Spanish), Adriana chats with Claus from Ausser Haus mit Claus (@AusserHausmitClaus). Adriana answers Claus’s questions on immigration to Mexico for Germans. Most Europeans interested in relocating to Mexico will find it useful. Watch it here. Themes covered… Read More