Adriana Vela on Expats Like Us Podcast

Navigating Mexican Residency and Immigration in 2024 – Podcast Interview

In this article we share a recent interview with Adriana Vela on navigating Mexican residency and immigration in 2024. The interview is part of a podcast series from Expats Like Us: Life in Mexico ‒  a popular YouTube channel. An Argentinian national, Adriana has been a resident in Mexico herself… Read More

Frequently Asked Questions About Relocating to Mexico: Part 2

While relocating to Mexico for many is an exciting move, it can also be scary and complicated. Informing yourself as much as possible before immigrating is a great way to prepare well. Therefore, to help make your move a success we have answered more of your Frequently Asked Questions about… Read More

Immigration to Mexico for Germans Interview Series: Episodes 1-4 (German & Spanish)

Immigration to Mexico for Germans: in this YouTube interview series (in German and Spanish), Adriana chats with Claus from Ausser Haus mit Claus (@AusserHausmitClaus). Adriana answers Claus’s questions on immigration to Mexico for Germans. Most Europeans interested in relocating to Mexico will find it useful. Watch it here. Themes covered… Read More

Immigration to Mexico for Italians: interview with Spirito Libero in Espatrio

In this YouTube interview (in Italian and Spanish) from October 2022, Adriana chats with YouTuber Michela from Spirito Libero in Espatrio.  Immigration to Mexico for Italians Adriana and Michela discuss immigration to Mexico for Italians who may be interested in making the move. Watch it here.   Some of the highlights… Read More

Mexico City Street Scene

Can I Start the Residency Procedure in Mexico?

One of the most common questions we get at Immigration to Mexico is ‘Can I start my residency procedure from Mexico?’ There are a few cases where you can start the residency application procedure from Mexico. However, usually you must start it outside the country. Starting the Residency Procedure From… Read More

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Immigration to Mexico interview with Michelle Wedderburn from Expat Life Mexico

In this You Tube interview from November 2021, Adriana shares her immigration expertise with Michelle Wedderburn from Expat Life Mexico: From San Miguel de Allende (formerly Afro Expats). During the 1hr16min interview, Michelle and Adriana discuss recent changes to Mexican immigration procedures. Changes include the standard 180-day stay, especially relevant… Read More

Globe with plans circling it

What to Consider When Moving from Europe to Mexico

Are you considering moving from Europe to Mexico? You’re not the only one.  Since the pandemic began, Immigration to Mexico in Playa del Carmen has seen a huge increase in requests from all over the world. Previously, immigrants requesting temporary and permanent residency were 90% from the US and Canada.… Read More

About the Mexican Consulate Appointment for Permanent and Temporary Residency

If you apply for Mexican residency, you must attend an appointment at a Mexican consulate. In this article, learn how to prepare for it, and what happens during and after your consulate appointment. Making a Mexican Consulate Appointment We advise that you make an appointment at the Mexican consulate that… Read More