In some cases, it is now possible to apply for temporary residency in Mexico via an expired tourist visa. Regularization of an expired document, in order to obtain temporary residency, is a new immigration procedure currently underway. Initially it was in response to many stranded tourists in Mexico due to… Read More
Do You Need to Learn Spanish When You Move to Mexico?
Many clients often ask me the question “Do I need to learn Spanish when I move to Mexico?”. The answer is ‘no’. It’s not essential. Indeed, many services are provided in English and other languages. However, not all agents at immigration will speak English and documentation is in Spanish. So,… Read More
Baby Boomers and Mexico
Baby Boomers and Mexico Baby boomers love Mexico. Born in the post-war era, so-called baby boomers are said to have led productive lives, and achieved success as entrepreneurs or as employees. There has been a significant increase in U.S. and Canadian citizens from this generation who live in Mexico or… Read More
New Mexican Immigration Statistics Released
A recent article in La Jornada by Gabriela Rodriguez, Secretary General of Conapo (National Population Council) summarizes the latest Mexican immigration trends. The article’s main source is the 2022 Mexico Yearbook of Migration and Remittances. We’ve chosen some of the most pertinent Mexican immigration statistics from the article and its… Read More
The Legal Way for a Child to Leave Mexico Alone or Unaccompanied by Parents
Sometimes it is necessary for a child to leave Mexico alone or accompanied by someone who isn’t a parent/guardian. Is it possible? Yes. However, under a few conditions. The SAM form allows minors (citizens or residents) to travel out of Mexico alone or with a third party. Use the SAM Form… Read More
My New Life in Mexico: Linda Southwick
Originally from Michigan, but a former long-term resident of Florida, Linda Southwick immigrated to Mexico in 2016. She now resides in TAO, a luxury residential development near the beach town of Akumal, located between Playa del Carmen and Tulum. Read Linda’s insightful interview below about her experiences immigrating from the… Read More
What Is the FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple)?
The FMM (Forma Multipla Migratoria), also sometimes known as a visitor’s permit, tourist card, or mistakenly as a tourist visa, is a Mexican immigration document. When visiting Mexico (from a country that doesn’t require a visa) or as a resident, you need one when entering and exiting the country. However,… Read More