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Immigration to Mexico interview with Michelle Wedderburn from Expat Life Mexico

In this You Tube interview from November 2021, Adriana shares her immigration expertise with Michelle Wedderburn from Expat Life Mexico: From San Miguel de Allende (formerly Afro Expats). During the 1hr16min interview, Michelle and Adriana discuss recent changes to Mexican immigration procedures. Changes include the standard 180-day stay, especially relevant… Read More

How to Get Permanent Residency in Mexico

How to Get Permanent Residency in Mexico Permanent residency allows you to live indefinitely in Mexico, and it has many benefits.  There are various ways to get permanent residency in Mexico; let’s review them.  Take the direct route to permanent residency 1) For some applicants, it is possible to get… Read More

Globe with plans circling it

What to Consider When Moving from Europe to Mexico

Are you considering moving from Europe to Mexico? You’re not the only one.  Since the pandemic began, Immigration to Mexico in Playa del Carmen has seen a huge increase in requests from all over the world. Previously, immigrants requesting temporary and permanent residency were 90% from the US and Canada.… Read More

time for a change

How to Change from Temporary to Permanent Resident as a Spouse or Partner in Mexico

A question we often receive is, ‘How do I change from temporary to permanent resident as a spouse/partner?’. It is possible to get permanent residency immediately in a few cases. For example, as retirees with adequate financial solvency, or as a parent to a child born in Mexico. However, the… Read More

Riviera Maya

Retiring on the Riviera Maya: Live in More Comfort for Less

Retirement in the US and Canada does not look the same for everyone. Comfortable retirement depends on your location, health and retirement salary. One thing is for sure though: retiring on the Riviera Maya looks good. It can transform a difficult situation in the US and Canada into a pleasant… Read More

Plane landing on runway

Mexican 180-Day Allowance for Tourists No Longer the Norm

There have been many reports recently of changes to the standard Mexican 180-day allowance for tourists. Let’s take a closer look. Entering Mexico as a Tourist When entering Mexico as a tourist, you submit an FMM (Forma Migratoria Multiple) with details about your visit. An immigration official at your point… Read More

have an EMERGENCY and must leave Mexico

What to Do If You Have an Emergency and Must Leave Mexico Before Your Residency Is Confirmed?

What to Do if You Have an Emergency and Must Leave Mexico Before Your Residency Is Confirmed? You have an emergency and must leave Mexico. However, your canje, residency renewal or change of condition procedure is still in progress. In this article we explain what to do If you want… Read More